Eketahuna Community renters Joshua and Samantha Bird 48

Hi Joshua Is this you: Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011565438088&sk=photos, I believe it is as Samantha Bird and yourself rented from me in 2013. You left without paying rent. I have been searching for you since then. I finely caught up with you at Clifton Street, (State Highway 7) Ahaura (which is between Refton and Greymouth in… Continue reading Eketahuna Community renters Joshua and Samantha Bird 48

Eketahuna Rental (Landlord) Faces Damien Randle Facebook Comments 49

Hi Eketahuna Community Here is the latest from Damien Randle. “Neil the proof is that you were tresspassed from your property wail we were renting it . When you were peeping threw kids windows”  Damien if your statement is true. I would have been charged by the Eketahuna Community Police. It seems to me you… Continue reading Eketahuna Rental (Landlord) Faces Damien Randle Facebook Comments 49

Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 50

Dear Recee Hannan who lives at 31 Bridge Street Eketahuna. Trespass notices have been issued by the Police to stay off my rental properties in Eketahuna. Your action of threats, intimation and verbal assault has made you famous in multiple countries and in the Eketahuna Community. How does it feel to be famous. Has this… Continue reading Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 50

How Eketahuna Rentals Tenants Damages 60

Damages are more than destroying a rental property in Eketahuna. It is the towns reputation at stake and why keep destroying Landlords property. Read below. Eketahuna Community Rental Personalities. Arihia Aka Maheno Hoana Te-rangi and Madison Taylor rented for three months renting used a axe to rearrange the walls and floors on my rental house.… Continue reading How Eketahuna Rentals Tenants Damages 60

How Eketahuna Neighbour Emily Richards Facebook Comments 56

Hi Emily Richards It was good to see you acting on behave of the Eketahuna Community at the eviction of your neighbour Damien Randle and Cassandra Downs on December 10th partying with Damien and Cassandra against the landlord. I hope your joy in supporting them on the day and posting negative comments on the Eketahuna… Continue reading How Eketahuna Neighbour Emily Richards Facebook Comments 56

Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 55

Dear Melanie Role: Moderator of the Eketahuna Community Face Book Page How does it feel to allow Damien Randle on to the Eketahuna Community Face Book Page. He has made comments about me peeping into his daughters bedroom. He has failed to produce evidence after a number of requests. Do you realize Damien and Cassandra… Continue reading Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 55

Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 52

Hi Eketahuna Community residents I have posted Damien actions when trying to talk to him during the tenancy. If you enlarge the photo you will see one of his security cameras on the house. The other thing to note I had not entered the property as alleged. Eketahuna Community Rental Personalities. The materials on this… Continue reading Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 52