Hi Eketahuna Community residents I have posted Damien actions when trying to talk to him during the tenancy. If you enlarge the photo you will see one of his security cameras on the house. The other thing to note I had not entered the property as alleged. Eketahuna Community Rental Personalities. The materials on this… Continue reading Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 52
Category: Uncategorized
How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 52
Hi Eketahuna Community residents I have posted Damien actions when trying to talk to him during the tenancy. If you enlarge the photo you will see one of his security cameras on the house. The other thing to note I had not entered the property as alleged. Eketahuna Community Rental Personalities. The materials on this… Continue reading How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Facebook Comments 52
How Eketahuna Community Karina Knight Rental Resident 64
Karina Knight stayed on my property and would not leave. She know lives on Haswell Street creating a health hazard. It is said she has no toilet or shower and uses the Heath Centre. I would have thought the Health Centre is for medical needs not housing needs. Here are her social media comments and… Continue reading How Eketahuna Community Karina Knight Rental Resident 64
How Eketahuna Community Rental Damien Randle Personality 62
Damien Randel resides in photo Eketahuna and carries on harassing Landlord. One day throwing a punch and two days later threatening GBH. He states I am to be his next victim. He says he wants to be known as the no 1 king of GBH. Here he is walking with his latest girlfriend. Witness to… Continue reading How Eketahuna Community Rental Damien Randle Personality 62
Eketahua Primary School Parent Rachel O’Dwyer Assaults Landlord 65
Rachel O’Dwyer is known to the Police for assaulting the Landlord. Steve McMahon Partner and Damien enjoy harassment of local handicap personal. Rachel O’Dwyer and Steve McMahon children attend Eketahuna Primary School. Parents and teachers beware of this violent behavior within the Eketahuna Community. Here she is with Damien Randle in the car while she… Continue reading Eketahua Primary School Parent Rachel O’Dwyer Assaults Landlord 65
How Eketahuna Rental Jordana Emily Robinson misleads community 66
Dear Jordana or Jordi You are still spreading false documentation on Facebook. It took me 8 years to find you in Dannevirke. Now you have paid your debt to me I finally found your true identity. Your scam to deceive the Courts with a pre tenancy agreement is now known to the public. Trust House… Continue reading How Eketahuna Rental Jordana Emily Robinson misleads community 66
How Eketahuna Ex-Tenant Damien Randle assaults Landlord 67
Hi Damien Happy New year. I see today you tried to fill full your promise of me being your next GBH. Well your closed fists missed the target except one that crazed my noise. However by kicking my motor home door and smashing the chain shows the aggression I had to deal with. Hopefully you… Continue reading How Eketahuna Ex-Tenant Damien Randle assaults Landlord 67
Eketahuna Ex-Tenant Damien Randle assaults Landlord 67
Hi Damien Happy New year. I see today you tried to fill full your promise of me being your next GBH. Well your closed fists missed the target except one that crazed my noise. However by kicking my motor home door and smashing the chain shows the aggression I had to deal with. Hopefully you… Continue reading Eketahuna Ex-Tenant Damien Randle assaults Landlord 67
Eketahuna Rental Jordana Emily Robinson 66
Dear Jordana or Jordi You are still spreading false documentation on Facebook. It took me 8 years to find you in Dannevirke. Now you have paid your debt to me I finally found your true identity. Your scam to deceive the Courts with a pre tenancy agreement is now known to the public. Trust House… Continue reading Eketahuna Rental Jordana Emily Robinson 66
Eketahuna Community Karina Knight Rental Resident 64
Karina Knight stayed on my property and would not leave. She know lives on Haswell Street creating a health hazard. It is said she has no toilet or shower and uses the Heath Centre. I would have thought the Health Centre is for medical needs not housing needs. Here are her social media comments and… Continue reading Eketahuna Community Karina Knight Rental Resident 64