Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Damien Randle Facebook Comments 33

Hi Eketahuna Community refer post 7 as here is Damien response.

What drugs neil Hines as we don’t do drugs and you kicked us out after you were cought peeping threw my daughter’s bed room window

Hi Damien

You have not produced any evidence from your surveillance cameras. Have you notified the Police of this incident you claimed happened. The 1st thing the Police will ask is what time and date did this happen. I suspect it is another attempt to mislead the Eketahuna Community. Eketahuna Community Rental

Damien’s last TXT message:

Neil Willian Hines you do not forget my brother is doing life in prison so he will hunt you down through the prison. I will to be force to remeans things outside of the law.  Just remember Shane Daniel Randle is doing life in prison non parole of 25 years. Okay he is waiting for you.

Dear Eketahuna Community I have a third Tenancy Tribunal hearing coming up which deals with property damage the second time, rent arrears, abandon property, rubbish and anti social behaviour.

Damien: Your bully tactics represent a man who has a history of brutal attacks against people in our society. On Wednesday 16th around 11.45am I had to ring 111 Police as you were outside my property yelling/making obscene comments to me and about me while I sat on the porch. What a weak man you are on educational matters and physical violence with a dog.  I showed your family compassion when I made available my rental home. In return your family have reacted with abuse, slander and damage to my property which the 1st Tenancy Tribunal awarded me cost.

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