Hi Cassandra
Thank you for your statement below.
I will push with the police right back the multiple harassment charges, interfering with a police investigation manifestation of false evidence and defamation of character, should I go on?? seriously though get a hobby I’m embarrassed for you now. or even a different job cause you FUCKING SUCK at being a landlord and your an even shittier human being… urh yuck predator looking dickbag the state of it… and on behalf of Eketāhuna go fuck yourself NEIL
Cassandra did you go to the Eketahuna Community Police about the multiple harassment charges, interfering with a Police investigation manifestation of false evidence and defamation of character, should I go on?? I bet you did not as the Police have not made contact. I did not know you had a mandate on behalf of Eketahuna Community to say to me “go fuck yourself”. Thank for being embarrassed for me. I wonder why as Damien and yourself have publicly stated I am a pepping tom who was looking into your daughters bedroom (no evidence). Maybe it is the quilt getting to you about making false statements on the Eketahuna Community Face Book. How about putting up evidence to support your public statements. For example “urh youck predator dickbag”. Well Cassandra who is a predator. Maybe it is you as you make public comments to intimidate Eketahuna Community Face Book. Maybe it is you who did not pay the rent. Owing over $3000.00. Maybe it is you who blocked up the toilet causing around $5000.00 damages. Maybe it is you who does drugs. Do you think the Eketahuna Community Police will belief the bag held cabbage leafs. If so go the Eketahuna Community Police and ask for your bag of cabbage leaves. Eketahuna Community Rental
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