How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Hanna-Louise Bothamley Facebook Comments 37

Hi Hanna-Louise Bothamley You state: Its horrible and the house doesn’t look up to rental regulations either. Dont even know what he is doing there most of the time. Do I know you? Who are you? Your statement suggest to me you are canvassing my property. What would you do this for. Have you read… Continue reading How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Hanna-Louise Bothamley Facebook Comments 37

How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Moderator Mal Palmer Facebook Comments 35

Hi Mel Palmer Eketahuna Community Face Book moderator Welcome to the world of tenants in Eketahuna .Community It is obvious you allow tenants who you support by fostering false information Eketahuna Community Face Book . I once visited your home and expressed to you that the information you were allowing to be circulated was misleading… Continue reading How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Moderator Mal Palmer Facebook Comments 35

How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Damien Randle Facebook Comments 33

Hi Eketahuna Community refer post 7 as here is Damien response. What drugs neil Hines as we don’t do drugs and you kicked us out after you were cought peeping threw my daughter’s bed room window Hi Damien You have not produced any evidence from your surveillance cameras. Have you notified the Police of this incident… Continue reading How Eketahuna Landlord Faces Tenant Damien Randle Facebook Comments 33

How Eketahuna Community Health Centre Lee-Ann Tait Nurse 27

Hi Lee-Ann-Tait Nurse at Eketahuna Medical Health Centre. To my knowledge we have only meet twice. On both occasions you approached me to see if I would rent a property to one of the Eketahuna Medical Health Centre patients. You provided references for two couples. Combine debt owed by these tenants is just short of… Continue reading How Eketahuna Community Health Centre Lee-Ann Tait Nurse 27