How Eketahuna Landlord Pamela Curtis Facebook Comments 24

Emily Richards seeking help for her distorted views.

Dear Eketahuna Community Face Book members who have made comments supporting ex tenants destructiveness of my rental homes within the township. What fools you are. You are weak and sad personalities. You have my compassion. Have a read on the following blogs. Members provide supporting evidence to your claims. If not stop making false statements via the Eketahuna Community FaceBook.

Pamela Curdis what a sucker you are. Fancy believing Emily Richards Eketahuna gossiper and her misleading statements on the Eketahuna Community Facebook page.

Pamela here is Emily the person who has provided misinformation to the Eketahuna Community Facebook.

Emily Richards misleading comments against her neighbour.
Here is her friend Damien Randle

Therefore you are all members of the Eketahuna Community Facebook page. The love affair goes on.


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